Product Design is the process of developing a 3D CAD Design or what we call in the design service industry “Modeling” or the digitally designing of your new product, invention or idea.
Product Design File Types that most manufactures use are listed below:
IGES or IGS files stands for Initial Graphics Exchange Specification.
STEP or STP files stands for Standard for the Exchange of Product Data.
DWG files (from drawing) is a proprietary binary file format used for storing two- and three- dimensional design data and metadata.
DXF files stands for Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format.
Products for manufacture should be designed as a full three-dimensional model with associated drawing views and dimensions.
Keep in mind that the product design file formats stated above are usually the most popular and will work for almost all product design requirements but there are exceptions with certain manufacturers. Always check with a product design professional in regards to your specific product design project and what type of manufacturer.
A message from the president and a owner of Product Design and Prototype Experts:
I’m here to provide product design service to inventors, companies and organizations interested in having their product 3d CAD designed. I will supply you with expert product design solutions.
I look forward to hearing from you,
We Provide Product Design